Standard Fees
Regulated Psychotherapy Services are exempt from Federal Goods and Services Tax Manitoba (GST) as of June 20, 2024
Individual [50-minute session]:
Fee: $160
Couples+ [75-minute session]:
Full Fee: $230
Parent/s-Child Therapy [75-minute session]:
Fee: $230
Collective/Group Therapy session [90-minute session]: upon a commitment to 10 sessions. Groups of 6-8 members. (Coming soon):
Fee: $75
Organizations/Institutions Consulting session with up to 3 participants (1 hour):
Fee: $350 plus 5% GST
Organizations/Institutions Workshops with up to 20 participants (3-hour session, 1-hour prep):
Fee: $300/hr plus 5% GST
Organizations/Institutions Presentations with up to 20 participants (1-hour session, 2 hours prep):
Fee: $300/hr plus 5% GST
Sliding Scale
Regulated Psychotherapy Services are exempt from Federal Goods and Services Tax Manitoba (GST) as of June 20, 2024
(1 spot available)
Not available for clients covered by private insurance.
To maintain our equitable values in providing Therapy Services to those with financial accessibility needs please note the following:
The Sliding Scale option is available for six months with the possibility of an extension depending on the number of folks on the PWYC waitlist.
Sliding Scale is only available for clients with no access to private insurance and with an annual individual income of $25,000 - $45,000.
Individual [50-minute session]:
Fee: $130 - $160
Couples+ [75-minute session]:
Fee: $200 - $230
Parent/s-Child Therapy [75-minute session]:
Fee: $200 - $230
Collective/Group [90-minute session]:
upon a commitment to 10 sessions. Groups of 4-8 members. (Coming soon)
Fee: $55 - $75
Sliding Scale prioritizes those who locate themselves at any/all of the following intersections: Indigenous, Black, Clients of Colour, Disabled, 2SLGBTQ+, and/or Systemically Marginalized at large.
Pay What You Can
Regulated Psychotherapy Services are exempt from Federal Goods and Services Tax Manitoba (GST) as of June 20, 2024
(Currently Full - Waitlist Open)
Not available for clients covered by private insurance.
If therapy fees present a barrier to getting the support you need, let’s have a conversation.
Pay What You Can appointment slots are available for six months with the possibility of an extension depending on the number of folks on the waitlist.
PWYC can only be accessed by clients with an annual individual income of ≤ $25,000, pending availability
A minimum of $70 per 50-minute individual session, and $180 per 75-minute group (Couples+/Parent-Child) session is requested/suggested.
Pay What You Can prioritize those who locate themselves at any/all of the following intersections: Indigenous, Black, Clients of Colour, Disabled, 2SLGBTQ+, and/or Systemically Marginalized at large.
Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP)
Languages of Care:
Eligible clients for the Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP) can contact me to book their sessions and I will directly bill the program.
IFHP supports the following groups:
Resettled refugees
Protected persons in Canada
Refugee claimants
Victims of human trafficking
To learn more about IFHP and whether you are eligible click here. If still not sure of your eligibility, ask me during your 15-minute free phone consultation.
Non-Insured Health Benefits for First Nations and Inuit (NIHB)
Currently unavailable
Languages of Care:
The Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) program provides eligible First Nations and Inuit clients with coverage for a range of health benefits that are not covered through other
social programs
private insurance plans
provincial or territorial health insurance
Mental Health Counselling is covered under NIHB.